Sunday, January 1, 2017

This Week...1/2/17

Hello Fourth Grade Families!

I hope that all of you had a wonderful break, and hopefully had some time for fun, family, and some much needed rest!

We'll be jumping back into real life tomorrow, and we'll have a returning student joining us...Sage Patterson.  Welcome back to MID Patterson Family!  This puts us at 23 students in our class.

***I'm looking for donations of 2 liter soda bottles for a science experiment that 
we'll be doing later this week.  If you can send any in, I sure would appreciate it!***

This week in:

Reading:  We're beginning our Nonfiction Text unit, and this week we'll be talking about Main Idea and Supporting Details. I always start out with a picture that illustrates this concept really playing in the park.

I ask the kids to tell me what's going on in the picture, and they tell me about:  kids swinging, playing catch, riding bikes, sailing a boat in the pond, etc.  I ask them questions like:

  • Is the whole picture about kids riding bikes?
  • Is the whole picture about kids swinging?
  • Is the whole picture about kids playing catch?
Of course, they tell me "No!"  Then we talk about the Main Idea of the picture being "Kids Playing in the Park" and equate the things the kids are doing to Supporting Details.  Over the next few days, we'll transfer these ideas into paragraphs and other texts.

We'll also begin our middle of the year reading assessments.

Language:  We'll be working on Relative Pronouns (who, whom, which, and that).  Here are links to some online activities and games that can help with learning Relative Pronouns:

Study Ladder

Lets Have Fun With English

Got Kid's Games

Writing:  We'll be changing our writing focus to Organization.  This means that we'll be looking at the different ways that writers can organize a piece of writing, such as:  using transition words, sequence, compare and contrast, problem and solution, cause and effect.  This will coincide with the Nonfiction Text unit that we're working on in Reading.  I love showing the kids that Reading and Writing are just flip sides of the same coin!

Science:  We're beginning our unit on the Respiratory Unit this week.  We'll learn the parts of the respiratory system and how it works.  After that, we'll build model lungs using 2 liter soda bottles and balloons. Then the kids will write an illustrated book about what happens to a dust particle that enters the respiratory system.

Math:  The kids continue to work in differentiated groups.  We have one group working on multiplying by 1-digit numbers.  Another group is working on Patterns and Expressions.  A third group is learning how to multiply by 2-digit numbers.  Our final group is starting a geometry unit on lines, angles, and shapes.

Everyone will take a benchmark assessment this week to see what they've retained from their previous learning.

Bible:  In Bible we'll be focusing on Acts 8:1-15, which tells us about Stephan's death by stoning.  We'll talk about persecution in the church at that time, and persecution that still happens today.

This week's memory verse is:  Blessed are those who suffer for doing what is right.  The kingdom of Heaven belongs to them.  Matthew 5:10

Wishing you many blessings in 2017!

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