Sunday, February 7, 2016

This Week... 2/8/16

Hello Fourth Grade Families!

We've got a LOT going on in the next couple of weeks!  I've created a list below so you can keep up with all of the activities:

  • Food Drive 2/8-2/12 - bring in non-perishable food items this week to contribute to our food drive.  All items will be donated to Loaves & Fishes.
  • Imaginon Field Trip 2/11 - On Thursday morning we'll attend the Children's Theater production of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.  We've been reading the book as our read aloud over the past week so we'll be familiar with the story when we attend the play.  The kids have been loving it, and I can't wait to see what they think of the performance!  We'll have a pizza buffet at Brixx following the play.
  • Valentine Dance 2/11 - This is a family event, and we're looking forward to seeing you there!
  • Early Release 2/12 - Students will be dismissed at noon, and will not eat lunch at school.  Please be sure to send a snack!
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences 2/15 - No School

This Week...

Math:  We'll be completing our unit on 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication, and taking the test on Tuesday.  Then we'll begin a unit on 1-digit by 1-digit division.  Many of the kids already know their division facts, so this should be a review for most of us.

Reading:  Over the past two weeks we've been focused on completing our middle of the year reading assessments, and everyone has made progress!

This week we'll begin a unit on identifying the Main Idea and supporting details of a story.

Writing:  We've begun to look at how we organize our writing, based on the genre of writing we're doing.  Over the next few weeks we'll look at narrative, expository, persuasive, opinion, descriptive, compare & contrast, problem & solution, and cause & effect paragraphs.

Language:  This week we're talking about verbs - action, linking, and helping.

Science:  We've completed our unit on the Circulatory System, and will spend this week focusing on our Science Superhero essays and drawings.  Next week we'll begin a unit on the Respiratory System.

Bible:  We're continuing to watch and discuss the video series about the book of James.  Some of the kids said that it was hard to understand what Mark Hall was saying in the video, so we talked about how, just like when authors write, people making videos have different purposes for what they're doing.  I asked the kids if they thought that the purpose of these videos was to entertain, persuade, or inform.  They all agreed that it was to inform.  So then we talked about how we have to watch them differently than we would if they we trying to entertain us.  We have to listen attentively, think about what he's saying, and try to put it in our own words.  Then when we talk about it together, we can make sense of it, and how it can help us in our own lives.

One of the videos we watched last week talked about how we can't find our worth, our value, in the things we own, or the stuff we have, because it can all be swept away in an instant.  We have to find our value in God, and who He says we are.  That day, when we read The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, Edward (who was a very proud rabbit with fancy clothes, leather shoes, and a gold pocket watch) found himself stripped of his clothes (by some boys who were playing with him) and accidentally thrown overboard the ship they were on.  He ended up in the muck on the bottom of the ocean.  All of his finery was gone, and he had nothing.  The kids totally made the connection between the video and the book...I love when God does that!

Our memory verse this week is:  Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says.  James 1:22

Have a blessed week!