Tuesday, April 5, 2016

This Week...4/4/16

Hello Fourth Grade Families!

This week we'll be hosting Math Night in our classroom!  On Thursday, April 7th, the evening will begin with a PTO meeting at 6:00 pm, followed by Math Night in the classrooms.  You'll get to do some of the hands on activities that your kids do in class.  I hope to see you there!

This Week In...

Language:  We've started a unit on Figurative Language and are talking about similes and metaphors this week.  We listened to some songs yesterday (Life is a Highway by Rascal Flatts and Speak Now by Taylor Swift) and identified the similes and metaphors that we found in the lyrics.

Reading;  We're doing partner reading, so each student is paired up with another and they're reading a book together.  For the next couple of weeks we'll be doing 'Discussion University'.  Every day after they read together, the kids generate a discussion question for their partner.  They also complete an activity that demonstrated their understanding of what they read that day.  For example, yesterday they created a 'billboard' based on something from that day's reading.  The next day's reading begins with a partner discussion using the questions generated the day before.

Our current read aloud is Newberry Award Winner Three Times Lucky by Sheila Turnage, and it's keeping us on the edge of our seats!  The main character is Mo (her full name is Moses because as a baby she was found floating in a river after a terrible storm).  Mo was adopted by the Colonel and Miss Lana who run the local cafe, but she still looks for her 'upstream mother' by putting notes in bottles and tossing them into the river.  Mo's best friend is a boy named Dale.  Eleven year old Mo and Dale run the Desperado Detective Agency, and usually investigate things like missing cats.  Everything changes when a local man is found murdered and Dale is on the list of suspects. Ask your child if they have any guesses about whodunit!

Math:  We started a new unit on fractions this week.  We'll be learning about equivalent fractions, improper fractions, mixed fractions, simplifying fractions and comparing and ordering fractions...whew!  In our next unit we'll move on to adding and subtracting fractions.

Writing:  In Writing we've been working on the organization of our writing by trying out different styles.  This week we're working on writing a descriptive passage by using all of our senses to add details.

Science:  We've moved on to our Chemistry unit, and are currently learning all about atoms and their parts:  nucleus, protons, neutrons, and electrons.  We're finding out that the difference in the make up of an atom determines what element it is.  Soon we'll be talking about how elements combine to make many of the things around us, and we'll be studying the periodic table of elements.

Bible:  In Bible, we're back in the book of Acts, learning about how Paul continued to travel to different cities to encourage the growing churches, and how he didn't stop even in the face of opposition and abuse.  He continued to be faithful in his effort to spread the word about Jesus, and to encourage others who were doing so.  His perseverance was amazing!

Our memory verse this week is:  Christ has set us free.  He wants us to enjoy freedom.  So stand firm.  Don't let the chains of slavery hold you again.  Galatians. 5:1

Have a wonderful week!

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