Monday, August 25, 2014

Here We Go!

It was a wonderful first day! The kids were great...they worked hard and played hard...I love that!

We spent lots of time talking about how we do things in 4th grade, from voice levels, to lining up, to classroom jobs. There's always a lot of 'housekeeping' to do on the first day.

We played a 'get to know your teacher' game with a 'red light, green light' twist. Later we did a team building activity called "Save Fred"...ask your child about it...we had so much fun!  We even did some writing guessed it...something we did this summer :)  And we HAD to take first day pictures! 

During one of my favorite parts of the day, we started our class read aloud.  We're reading "A Snicker of Magic" by Natalie Lloyd. It's about a girl named Felicity Pickle who has moved around a lot with her family and wants to stay in one place for a while.  Felicity has an unusual hobby...she collects words. We might just try a little word collecting of our own!

During the rest of this week we'll continue learning and practicing classroom procedures and routines,  getting to know each other better,  and digging further into our read aloud. We'll also begin working on our reading stamina (how long we can continue to read without getting tired, bored, or distracted).  We'll start out with 5 minutes and work our way up to 30 minutes over the next couple of weeks.

We're off to a great start!

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